The Making Rooms BwD CIC (known as The Making Rooms)

 Business Support Services

We train people to use creative technologies, from no experience to expert users. We help our users start companies, through our accelerator programmes and we train and consult different groups and organisations to help them engage their users in digital creative technologies.

  • Listing ID: 2737
  • Contact: Tom Macpherson-Pope
  • What are your aspirations and plans for the future?: We want to start projects that can be turned into their own community organisations, bringing the best ideas from around the world to our borough. This includes Precious Plastics recycling, an Ecolab exploring vertical farming and small scale agriculture automation and a Repair cafe, helping people to learn to fix their devices.
  • What types of projects are you interested in working on through Future Fashion Factory?: We are planning to create a digital textile lab in one of our large studio rooms. We will use this space to train people and experiment using new technologies and techniques in textiles. This space will allow us to encourage locals into entrepreneurship who may not normally have the confidence to seek out services like ours, building upon their existing domestic skills in textiles. Many of our upcoming projects involve elements of recycling and circular economies, this is especially true for our textile lab, where we plan to connect our users to waste streams from local industries and help our entrepreneurs find routes to market, with a focus on establishing local points of sale, whilst also leveraging international platforms such as Kickstarter. We believe that all of these activities would benefit through us working with Future Fashion Factory.
Contact details

BlackburnNorth-West *****