Clare Calveley, MMU Textiles in Practice

 Education / Training

I am a Lecturer on the Textiles in Practice Undergraduate Course at Manchester Metropolitan University.

The Textiles in Practice course enables students to experience textiles as a flexible and diverse subject. Students will be taught from within core pathways offering the opportunity to specialise or combine the disciplines of print, weave, knit, embroidery and mixed media. The course encourages the interdisciplinary nature of contemporary practice where processes and techniques combine and complement one another. Emphasis is placed on the development of personal interests and ambitions that reflect the breadth, versatility and potential of textiles within contemporary art and design contexts.

  • Listing ID: 3167
  • Contact: Clare Calveley
  • What are your aspirations and plans for the future?: My practice-based research is taking an interesting trajectory towards commercial print and visualisation applications, and hopefully a future PhD in sustainable interactive viewing in the field of design and beyond. The research explores the use of colour, pattern and cloth as a flexible medium, the intersection between physical and virtual space, the communication of tangibility and the haptic in their virtual space, and how traditional analogue textile skills and processes inform innovative and sustainable methods of production. Being part of the Future Fashion Factory will allow me to network, be involved in more R&D Projects, be a link between industry and education. I aspire to be a leader in my field of interactive and virtual textiles.
  • What types of projects are you interested in working on through Future Fashion Factory?: I would like to be part of the core research projects that FFF support, and these two below specifically: Innovation Challenge 2: Immersive Digital Communication and Data Analytics Communication of Aesthetics: digital communication of the tactile properties, drape and other physical properties of fabric to online customers and consumers. Innovation Challenge 3: Skills and Education Contributing to new education and skills programmes, ensuring the industry has the knowledge and skills to capitalise on new technology, and develop new talent pipelines to create the industry leaders of the future.