Supply Chain / Traceability helps nudge society towards environmental and ethical sustainability.

We are developing shade, an anti-greenwashing web plugin, designed to nudge consumer behaviour towards making more sustainable fashion purchases.

  • Listing ID: 2532
  • Contact: Fatimah El-Rashid
  • What are your aspirations and plans for the future?: We plan on continuing to challenge the status quo of fast fashion by shifting power away from the industry and into the hands of the consumer. By taking a bottom-up approach, starting with the citizens, we aspire to create large-scale change in fashion to adopt more environmentally sustainable and ethical practices. We recently incorporated and are now pursuing the development of shade full-time.
  • What types of projects are you interested in working on through Future Fashion Factory?: Joining Future Fashion Factory would open the door to meaningful partnerships with likeminded innovators within the fashion industry. We are open to all collaborations but are especially interested in the digital space; utilising machine learning and data to develop uniquely creative solutions to improve the overall environmental impact of the fashion industry.