Laura Blackwell

 Student / Alumni Members

MA Creative Pattern Cutting (Graduation: 2021)

For my MA, I’m investigating gender expression through the use of creative pattern cutting. I’m interested in exaggerated silhouettes and 3D forms. My work focuses on structure and volume, and I achieve this through various different methods, including 3D printing and fabric manipulation.

My degree was in knitting, so I like to incorporate elements of that, too. I believe that sustainability should be the starting point in the design process, and that the lifecycle of a garment should be considered from the very beginning.

  • Listing ID: 1989
  • Contact: Laura Blackwell
  • What are your aspirations and plans for the future?: Outside of my MA, I am a dressmaker and I teach dressmaking. I enjoy sharing the skill of sewing with others and helping people to realise their own creations. I intend to release a range of adaptable sewing patterns for different body types that address the issues of gender. I would also like to carry on creating 3D performance pieces for the use of drag queens, as I am currently doing as part of my studies.
  • What type of experience are you hoping to gain through Future Fashion Factory?: I’d love to make local connections (I’m based in Leeds and studying in Huddersfield) with both manufacturers and designers. I’m open to work experience opportunities and collaborations and I’m looking forward to attending Future Fashion Factory events, in order to keep on top of what’s happening in and around our region.
Contact details

HuddersfieldWest Yorkshire Show phone number *****