Jacqueline Toal

 Education / Training

  • Main interests: include printed textile design and surface pattern, digital pattern creation, cross convergence with Steam sectors with Textiles and fashion. Use of Augmented Reality for printed textiles products such Scarves, promoting heritage textiles and patterns with use of new digital technologies for immersive storytelling experience. Virtual Reality for fashion and textile design using tools like Google Tilt Brush, Cloth simulation in Games engines, Digital Fashion, collaboration in virtual environments for textile and fashion creation. Keen interest in AI and creativity for more sustainable practices.


  • Expertise: Multidisciplinary skillset with experience of traditional Screen printing techniques and methods for printed textile design and fabric creation. Created colourway collections in 90s for Blendworth, Parkertex, Nono, Hill and Knowles at local NI Textile company.
  • Experience in Swimwear and printed textiles design in 90s and Interiors.
  • Experienced Educator in delivery of range of subjects from Art fundamentals to AR and VR. (Full time lecturer at Southern Regional college in Computing and creative design)
  • Continuously evolving and developing skillset in digital technologies, such a Vuforia for Augmented reality, Unity/Interaction toolkit for Virtual Reality.
  • Competent skillset in surface pattern creation with digital tools and processes.
  • Listing ID: 3098
  • Contact: Jacqueline Toal
  • What are your aspirations and plans for the future?: To continue as an educator and surface pattern printed textile designer, but explore the use of immersive technologies through firstly a digital arts residency by designing a series of scarves based on nature/patterns and promoting heritage of NI textile industry, incorporating Augmented Reality and immersive storytelling. Also through creative practice explore Virtual Reality for fashion and textiles design again immersive storytelling with digital patterns/designs. In addition to this wish to undertake PHD in multidisciplinary area of textiles and fashion with Virtual Reality(Immersive technologies), exploring a participatory project on the potential of collaboration in VR and virtualisation on the design process and the impact of Creativity using digital technologies and how immersive technologies could offer more sustainable approach.
  • What types of projects are you interested in working on through Future Fashion Factory?: Any related projects with Immersive technologies for textiles and fashion, new digital processes, participatory collaborative projects with digital tools, as well as use of AI and more sustainable approaches and creativity, waste management etc. Digital Printing innovations, increasing cross collaboration/convergence with STEAM (Science, Technology, engineering, arts and maths)